Citizens for Sustainability formed in January 2013 to promote and assist in implementing sustainability initiatives in St. Anthony Village and surrounding communities. CFS is open to anyone interested in creating resilience and sustainability, both individually and collectively. Although most of our members live in St. Anthony, we warmly welcome anyone interested in joining our cause.
CFS meets every other month. Members provide updates on various initiatives they’re involved in, from installing a rain garden at a local church, advocating before City Council to improve bike and walk infrastructure, organizing recycling at VillageFest, or creating a no-idle zone in front of an elementary school to reduce pollution. At meetings, we discuss these and other projects, and brainstorm ways we can support each other in increasing our community’s sustainability.
Although city officials—mayor, council members, city manager, and staff—give us their enthusiastic approval and kindly allow us to hold meetings at the SAV City Hall in the Council Chambers, we are not an officially sponsored city organization.
We also invite you to visit our Facebook page.
In 2010, five individuals began meeting to study and discuss a variety of converging worldwide issues, mostly associated with the interrelationships between the economy, energy, and environment. The main inspiration was Chris Martenson’s Crash Course, which was used by the group in a workshop forum held at the St. Anthony Village Community Center, with 12 registered participants.
In 2011 Clif Ware sorted and assembled all workshop materials into a 55-minute, 5-part video presentation: Insight Forum: Understanding and Preparing for a Future of Converging Crises. Contrary to the dire-sounding title, some positive solutions are offered in Part V.
In the same year, a study group was formed within the Silver Lake Village Condominium Association that included residents and their guests. Monthly meetings were held, featuring special topics, books, or speakers, and approximately 20 people attended, with an average of 8-12 participating at each meeting.
Eventually, it was decided that we needed to broaden our group to include more SAV residents, as well as any area citizen interested in creating greater resilience and sustainability. Hence our move to the SAV Community Center in January 2013, with a kick-off event featuring city manager Mark Casey and GreenCorps member Nick Voss, who explained SAV’s sustainability initiatives.
In October 2014, Clif Ware stepped down as organizer, paving the way for other CFS members to shape the direction of the organization.
CFS In the Media
- Citizens for Sustainability talk about bees, garbage, grants (PDF) – Northeaster (3/11/15)
- Sustainability Fair 2014 Kudos (PDF) – VillageNotes (Winter 2015)
- Churches pick up on sustainability movement (PDF) – Northeaster (12/3/14)
- Singing along with sustainability in St. Anthony/NE (PDF) – Northeaster (3/19/2014)
- Groups ask “what will come after ‘peak oil’?” (PDF) – Northeaster (6/5/13)