Water conservation
In the home
- install water-saving dual-flush toilets
- install low-flow showerheads (1.5 gpm or less)
- replace faucet aerators with 1.0 gpm for bathrooms and 1.5 gpm for kitchens
- “If it’s yellow, let it mellow; If it’s brown, flush it down”
- take sponge baths for regular bathing, shower infrequently
- pour collected bath/shower water into toilet bowl to flush
- turn off water while brushing teeth or soaping up in the shower
- run full loads in washing machine and dishwasher
In your yard
- install rain barrels on downspouts (if you have an asphalt roof, do not water edible plants)
- plant native and drought-tolerant plants
- let your lawn turn brown
- check sprinkler system for leaks and pause the system on the days surrounding rain
Energy conservation
- bike, walk, or roll instead of driving a car
- turn off lights
- set your thermometer up in the summer and down in the winter
- turn off electronics and chargers when not in use
- use ‘smart’ power strips which turn off several plugs when the primary device turns off
Waste reduction
- repair or repurpose items before replacing them
- take your own bags to the store
- compost food waste at the drop off site near city hall or in your backyard
- choose take-out restaurants with reusable or compostable containers
- purchase products with high post-consumer recycled content
Renewable energy sources
What would you like to learn more about?
Additional resources: Green Ramsey, Hennepin County Green Notes