Upcoming Event – March 4: Conscientious Gardening

Native plants, pollinator habitat, vegetable gardening, watering wisely – all aspects of conscientious gardening that protect the environment, save time and encourage pollinators. Find out what how your yard can make a difference!

On March 4 from 10:00 to noon, we’ll gather in the Nativity Commons to share seeds and learn more about the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (native to our area, and recently placed on the endangered species list). Other topics are using native plants, watering wisely and the Pollinator Pathway program in St. Anthony.

Master gardeners will be on hand to answer questions and we’ll have kid friendly activities too. Childcare is available.

All are welcome! Please contact Donna Steinwand (donnasteinwand95@gmail.com), Lona Doolan (milo682@umn.edu) or Lynette Thompson (gardener772@comcast.net) for more information.

Categorized as Events

By Dan Kunitz

Dan Kunitz is a Minnesota native interested in decarbonization. He is a business analyst at the University of Minnesota and volunteers his website and design skills to Citizens for Sustainability.

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