Waste -Recycling – Organics Recycling – Hazardous Waste
It’s hard! Wht goes where? Does it have to be cleaned? Is there a cost to dispose it? If you are unsure, post a question to us or email info@citizensforsustainability.org and we will do the research for you.
Trash and Recycling
The City of Saint Anthony has organized collection for residents. For recycling facts and information visit the city of county websites.
Organics Recycling
Food scraps can be dropped off at a number of sites in Ramsey and Hennepin Counties. There is a drop-off location available at St. Anthony City Hall open 24-hours. You can even get a free bin and compostable bags from the city!
Hazardous Waste
Note that many dropoff sites are closed and collection events have been postponed due to COVID-19.
For more information:
- Ramsey County
- Hennepin County
Renewable Energy
100% carbon-free electricity for your home or business through Xcel Energy.
Rooftop solar
Wondering if you roof might be good for solar panels? Use the Solar Suitability app or request a quote from a company by using the Clean Energy Project Builder.
Comunity Solar
No room for solar on your house or business? Community solar gardens let you benefit from solar with none of the maintenance!
Gardening – Pollinator Protection
Planting season is upon us – what have you planted? Do you have trees planned or pollinator-friendly plants? Perhaps a new vegetable garden?
Plants provide many benefits to our community – aesthetics, habitat, water quality improvements, stormwater retention, air quality improvements, and so much more!
Some Resources:
- https://bluethumb.org/ – planting for water quality and pollinators
- https://extension.umn.edu/tree-selection-and-care/recommended-trees-minnesota – Recommended trees for MN
- https://extension.umn.edu/find-plants/native-plants – native MN plants