Meeting with Mark Casey and Jay Hartmann
- Parks Commission Meetings
- Do our Tuesday morning meetings just before their meetings. Invite Parks Commission members to them or our Saturday meetings
- March 6, 2017
- June 5, 2017
- September 5, 2017
- December 4, 2017
- Do our Tuesday morning meetings just before their meetings. Invite Parks Commission members to them or our Saturday meetings
- Earth Day cleanups (April 22, 9-11am)
- Locations
- Salo Park: 9:15am – noon (Clif & Bettye)
- Trillium Park: SAV gardeners need help pruning if we could help organize
- Central Park: get help from an NHS student
- Faith: Rain garden cleanup. Should check with MWMO about master water steward volunteer hours or cub scout
- Tasks
- Village Note article
- Bring work gloves
- Write emails, too
- Village Note article
- Locations
- GreenStep Cities Step 5 criteria is just out
- Can city order street signs like you can order Tree City USA signs? Also, order those?
- Adding “Sustainability” to the name of Parks Commission
- Receptive to this change, but will have to check
- Sustainability coordinator position?
- No
- Ice melt?
- Salt/brine
- Don’t use sand as much due to watershed
- Staff are up to date on training
- Organics Collection
- No plan until demand
- When pressed on a central option, they asked us where it should be
- Notes from the CFS group:
- There is a student from U of M interested in using organics collection as their capstone project
- Nate, Dan, Mark, Lona to meet with student
- Hennepin County has funding to expand organics collection
- How has Minneapolis decided this
- There is a student from U of M interested in using organics collection as their capstone project
- City water use
- Stick with Odd/Even watering ban
- Splash pads may run a few days this year
- Can CFS help reach out to kids about water conservation contest?
- Lona will check with ecology clubs
- Can CFS look into neighbor comparison on use like Xcel does?
- Lona is working on this, too
- Rain Barrel offerings again in April
- Lowry Grove
- City has not gotten involved
- Notes from CFS discussion:
- PUD could be used to specify green space minimums
- Feb 17: Affordable Housing discussion surrounding Lowry Grove re-development–could we bring up lack of green space?
- Can CFS help organize help to preserve affordable housing
- Silver Lake Carp removal
- Success, but allowed more weeds to grow
- Did DNR re-check lake?
- Don’t know
- Mirror Lake dredging
- It’s ongoing
- Water treatment project
- It’s ongoing
- 25% of city energy comes from Chisago County solar garden
- Pollinator pathway signs are available–ask Jay
- We received a copy of the Comp Plan
- Send feedback to Mark
Legislative updates
- Education legislation
- Environmental legislation
Kristin will provide update on grants
- Kristin was not present–we’ll have to follow up
- Water Stewards could use projects
Next Parks Commission Meeting- prepare update/proposal for Park Clean Up for Earth Day?
- What to talk about at March 6 Parks Commission meeting
- Request the name change
- Pollinator Pathway next steps
- Bike/walk component? Kathy has
- 37th Ave sidewalks
- Bring up organics to place in a park
- Works at Minneapolis parks
- Liaison to our meeting
Notes/Agenda items for next time
- Nativity redesigning their outdoor learning environment
- Wilshire Park’s rain garden
- What to add to the Village Notes before April 1
- Promote SAV sustainability section on their website
- Earth Day cleanups
- Faith: Solar panels are going up in June
- Nativity: could make only 2% of power through solar
- CERTs has a “Right Light” guide
- Make better use of the CFS Facebook page
- When do we start planning VillageFest topics? Potential ideas:
- Kid-friendly activity
- clippings
- Feature LEDs?
- Feature solar?
- Get sponsorship?!
- Kid-friendly activity
Upcoming Events
- Feb 12 on TPT: Twin Cities Co-housing Network
- March for Science: April 22, 11am-1pm; Capitol
- Bus leaving from Nativity at 10am
- Sustainability: A Documentary: February 28th 6:30pm at Columbia Heights Library
- Free and open to the public, co-sponsored by SEICA