At the February 11 City Council meeting, the St. Anthony Village Planning Commission 2020 Work Plan was approved (transcribed below). Their work plan shows places where Citizens for Sustainability could offer assistance setting goals against the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
General Items
- Review and Recommend Actions on Land Use and Development Applications
- Monitor Common Planning and Zoning Issues for Follow-up
- Maintain Training Opportunities on Land Use Issues
- Maintain Communications with City Council as to Land Use Policy
Specific Tasks
A. Undertake Implementation of Comprehensive Plan Policy and Land Use Objectives
- Reconcile conflicts between proposed land use plan map and zoning map.
- Update Zoning Districts, where needed, to better address contemporary development patterns and demand.
- R-4 District – Density, Building Size, Site Planning Expectations
- Industrial District – Land Uses, Architectural Standards, Site Planning
- Commercial District – Land Uses, Architectural Standards, Site Planning
- Update Zoning Regulations, where needed, to implement specific Comp Plan goals, as well as common zoning issues.
- Accessory building regulations (Ongoing)
- Review dimensional standards in R-1 Districts to maintain intended neighborhood character, and promote existing residential reinvestment
- Others as identified throughout year.
B. Monitor Emerging Planning Issues and Address as Needed
Land Use and Zoning Topics
Item | Time Frame |
Short-term rental pressure (AirBnB, e.g.). | 0-2 years |
Housing maintenance code issues, esp. for single-family rental housing. | 0-2 years |
Blending of commercial and industrial enterprises (e.g. small scale: brewery taprooms, and similar “maker” spaces that encourage both manufacturing and storefront retailing in the same space. | 0-2 years |
Non-exclusive residential density (e.g., Minneapolis elimination of single-family zoning). | 2-5 years |
Pressure for development of self-storage in retailing areas responding to increases in multi-family development. | 2-5 years |
Future reconversion of overbuilt senior housing units following baby-boom generation. | 5-10+ years |
Item | Time Frame |
Conflicts between public engagement efforts and declining civil discourse. | Ongoing |
Expanding impacts of religious land use and assembly use – especially religious land uses in traditional residential settings. | Ongoing |
“Amazon Effect” – variable pressures on existing commercial spaces due to online e-commerce. | 0-2 years |
Transportation Topics
Item | Time Frame |
Bicycle/Scooter rentals | 0-2 years |
Autonomous vehicles – changes foreseen due to automobile storage and remote garage storage. | 2-5 years |
Car-sharing – long term impacts on possible reduction in overall automobiles-per-household in high car-sharing areas. | 2-5 years |