- Planning for Tuesday morning meeting with Jay and Mark (5/23)
- Present ideas for organics collection
- Comp plan feedback
- Park planning (Friends of the Park idea)
- Village Fest cross promotion?
- Review of Earth Day
- Updates on any projects/sub-committees
- Planning for Tuesday morning meeting with Jay and Mark (5/23)
- Kristin will check in with Jay and Mark about Tuesday’s meeting (5/23)
- Where are we at with chickens/bees ordinances
- Review of comp plan sustainability section
- Friends of the Park–organize activities on events
- VillageFest: Ask if city would coordinate with us on a booth and electric car show
- plan to do walk again
Organics pickup
- pilot area?
- Perhaps push home composting
- Incentivize organics pickup with cheaper trash pickup
- When are the city hauler contracts up for review?
- Check out Tacoma, WA’s program
City Council Meeting (5/23)
- Michael will go in front of the city Tuesday to make his case for owning chickens
Friends of the Parks idea
- Invite Friends of Roseville Parks to a future meeting (first Fridays 9am)
- Invite Kristin S to talk about Woodbury at that day
- Invite the city to attend this.
- Add signs to parks where there will be a cleanup
- Some funding from city for supplies/treats
Agenda for next time: June 10
- VillageFest
- Transition Towns meeting outside of CFS meeting (Clif will contact Leslie)
- invite social justice groups