Earth Overshoot Day 2017 (8/2) – SEF News-Views Digest

SEF News-Views Digest No. 178 (8-9-17)
Clifton Ware, Editor-Publisher

A week ago we reached Earth Overshoot Day, the annual marker for illustrating the point at which humanity has used as much from nature as Earth can renew for this entire year. This means that for the next five months we’ll be over-drawing from our planet’s Nature Bank reserves, as we persistently continue providing for our basic needs—in addition to our unessential wants. In short, we’ve overshot (overused) the amount of ecological resources and services that nature can regenerate.  [The chart above shows that Overshoot Day 1971 occurred on December 21st, whereas in 2017 it occurred on August 2nd, a difference of 130 days within a 47-years timespan. Also, in terms of natural resources, we’ve used the equivalent of 1.7 Earths since then.]

There’s Strength in Numbers (Of Kindred Folk) – SEF News-Views Digest

SEF News-Views Digest No. 177 (8-2-17)
Clifton Ware, Editor-Publisher

The portion of humanity perceiving the potential enormous challenges ahead is a relatively small yet potent community. For this reason, attendees to the first Transition US Gathering at Macalester College this past weekend were excited to be in the company of so many like-minded folk. I don’t mean to insinuate that everyone agreed on all issues as presented and discussed, but there were ample opportunities to find reinforcement for any preferred cause—also to learn more about other topical issues, and how they interrelate.

Transitioning Ahead, July 27-30 – SEF News-Views Digest

SEF News-Views Digest No. 176 (7-26-17)
Clifton Ware, Editor-Publisher

This issue marks a return to the weekly delivery of yore. The every-other week publishing schedule worked well for the past three months, but two issues ago I began reducing the descriptions of articles to about half of the wording used previously. This approach has resulted in a reduced time commitment, so, for now, we’ll return to weekly issues—except for occasional timeout breaks.

Another reason for publishing this issue is to reemphasize and highlight the very special, first-time Transition US National Gathering, which will be held at Macalester College July 27-31

Transitioning For A Better Life – SEF News-Views Digest

SEF News-Views Digest No. 175 (7-19-17)
Clifton Ware, Editor-Publisher

There’s enough negative news circulating to make a cockeyed optimist rethink the potential for creating a better way of life—ever! And even Hope is approaching a dangerous tipping point, at least for some, including me.

A reading of David Wallace-Wells’ lengthy essay, “The Uninhabitable Earth”, which was recently published by New York Magazine, will likely lead readers to assume—and dread—a future of doom. Even so, It seems worthwhile for people to understand the full implications of the potential horrible realities that might lie ahead; that is, if humanity in unable or unwilling to collectively unite in seeking, finding, and instituting positive solutions.

Transition To a Sustainable Future – SEF News-Views Digest

SEF News-Views Digest No. 174 (7-5-17)
Clifton Ware, Editor-Publisher

Citizens for Sustainability Transition Forum

Helping Our Community Transition To A Sustainable Future

Sat., July 8, 3-4:30 p.m.
St. Anthony Village City Hall Council Chambers,  3301 Silver Lake Rd.

Leslie McKenzie, presenter
Assisted by Tim Jordan and Michael Russelle


Leslie Mackenzie, a writer-editor, serves as Community Organizer with Transition Twin Cities ( She is a active leader in Transition Longfellow, a community in  south Minneapolis. She as also been active with the Tapestry Folkdance Center and  FindLaw, a Thomson Reuters Business. Leslie leads transition workshops, and serves as the Twin Cities coordinator for the first Transition US National Gathering, which will be held at Macalester College in St. Paul, July 27-31.