March CFS Meeting Agenda

Citizens for Sustainability’s next meeting is Saturday, March 7 from 9:00 – 10:30 am. Join us to discuss what your neighbors are doing for sustainability and share your own activities or questions! Send your agenda items to


  • Introductions
  • Review CFS workshop outcomes
    • Themes & critical success factors
    • Organizational improvements (strucure, experts)
    • Outreach & driving outcomes
    • Roadmap/goal tracking
    • Teams
  • Updates since January meeting
    • PEC and Planning Commission Work Plans
  • Upcoming events (See the community calendar)
  • 501(c)(3) discussion (our own, a partnership, status quo)

Anything else? Send agenda items to


Saturday, March 7, 9:00 – 10:30 am


Saint Anthony Village – City Hall and Community Center, Minnesota by Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States / CC BY

St. Anthony City Hall & Community Center
Room: CS19 (to the left when you enter the building)
3301 Silver Lake Rd NE, St. Anthony, MN 55418

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