A St. Anthony CFS (Citizens for Sustainability), Nativity Lutheran Church & Master Gardeners Partnership
Growing Groceries–Workshop I (DONE: 18 people registered)
Date: Saturday, February 8, 3-5 p.m., SAVCC
Instructors: Dawn Pape, UM Master Gardener (instructor-coordinator); Lynette Thompson, UM Master Gardener; and Patrick Fischer, UM Master Gardener Intern.
Topics: Participants will learn 1) the benefits of gardening (environmental, social, physical, and spiritual); 2) how functional yards can help create a more balanced and healthy living environment; 3) how to choose the right garden for their personal needs; 4) how to design their garden; and 5) how to decide whether to use seeds or plants.
Registration information: ($10 fee; participants—minimum 8/maximum 20)
Growing Groceries–Workshop II
Date: Saturday, April 12, 10 a.m.-noon, SAV Community Center, room CS9
Instructors: Dawn Pape, UM Master Gardener (instructor-coordinator); Lynette Thompson, UM Master Gardener; and Patrick Fischer, UM Master Gardener Intern.
Topics: Participants will learn 1) about tools and equipment for gardening; 2) how to prepare the soil for planting; 3) how to cultivate and tend to a garden (watering, weeding, trimming, etc.); 4) how to recycle and compost bio materials; and (5 how to identify harmful agents (weeds, chemicals, etc.) and protect the garden from harmful agents (weeds, chemicals, animals, diseases, and insects).
Registration information: ($10 fee; participants—minimum 8/maximum 20)
Note: Participants will have an opportunity to practice their skills weekly in the Nativity Lutheran Church garden across the street from the SAVCC. The produce grown in these gardens is donated to the local food shelf, and the gardens will be used for hands-on learning.
More information: Consult the St. Anthony Community Services Winter/Spring Catalog online (www.isd282.org/cs) or call (612-706-1166)