St. Anthony Sustainability Fair

The Sustainability Fair

Citizens for Sustainability presents:

Saturday, November 17, 2018, 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
St. Anthony Village City Hall, 3301 Silver Lake Rd, St. Anthony, MN 55418

Being sustainable doesn’t have to be hard! Learn about:

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Green Transportation
  • Waste Reduction and Recycling
  • Clean Water
  • Eco-Friendly Yards
  • Local Food
  • And More!

This open-house style event is family friendly and will include a number of organizations and the City of St. Anthony hosting stations on all topic areas. Presentations and films will be scheduled throughout the event.

All are welcome!

Questions? Contact us at

Host: Citizens for Sustainability with support of the City of St. Anthony and local groups (Kiwanis Club, CFS affiliates, churches, etc.)
Sponsors: Eastside Food Co-op and City of St. Anthony


Presentations will be in Council Chambers. Schedule forthcoming.

2:30 – Ben Knudson

Recycling and Organics – What do you need to know?
Recycling has struggled to cope with contamination and changes in China’s import policies. How can you help? Organics recycling is an easy way to reduce your trash, but it’s new and not widely available. What is organics recycling and how can you participate?

Ben grew up in Nebraska and went to Macalester College in St. Paul. He works on waste reduction and recycling for Hennepin County.

1:30 – Jukka Kukkonen

Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure
According to the latest survey from AAA, one in five Americans say they are likely to buy an electric car for their next new vehicle and this year over 45% of vehicles sold in Norway are electric. A few years ago we had to choose from just half a dozen PEV models, but now we have 25 PEV models available in the Midwest and Tesla Model 3 is breaking sales records. Public charging infrastructure networks are growing fast and utility companies are getting involved. So transportation electrification is really happening. In this presentation I will talk about how the EV revolution is happening here in Minnesota, how people are charging their cars and you get to ask anything about EVs.

Jukka is from PlugInConnect is an EV market and business solutions consultant. Jukka has deep knowledge of the electric vehicle market and he specializes in market dynamics and real-life user perspectives. He has built programs for utility companies, condominium and apartment building charging, workplace charging, DC fast charging, outreach and education and smart grid integration. This fall he will be teaching the “EV Market and Technologies” graduate course at the University of Saint Thomas. You can find out more about his work by visiting

2:00 & 4:00 – Minette Saulog

Empowering St. Anthony for Energy Efficiency
Learn how to make your home energy-efficient so that you can:

  • Make your house healthier to live in
  • Save on your energy bills
  • Be an environmentally-conscious citizen

In this talk, you’ll learn about and consider simple behavior changes, small and large-scale retrofit projects, and home renovation techniques that can set you on the path to a more sustainable way of living.

Minette is St. Anthony’s Minnesota GreenCorps/AmeriCorps member for the 2018-19 year. She recently graduated from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities this past May, majoring in Sustainable Systems Management and double-minoring in Environmental Science and Business Management. Until next August, she will be helping the City work towards energy conservation for both public facilities and residential homes, as well as other projects promoting biking, walking and public transportation utilization and conducting energy assessments for different City buildings. Learn more about St. Anthony Village sustainability initiatives.


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By Dan Kunitz

Dan Kunitz is a Minnesota native interested in decarbonization. He is a business analyst at the University of Minnesota and volunteers his website and design skills to Citizens for Sustainability.

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