The Pope Gives Hope!

SEF News-Views Digest No. 94 (6-24-15)

Like other fans of Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentinia), I greatly admire the man, the pontiff, and his avowed humanitarian mission. What a guy! At last, we have a widely recognized and respected religious leader with the knowledge, understanding—and gumption—to address the most pressing issues facing humankind. [The only issue not addressed thus far is overpopulation, and within Catholicism it’s mostly a taboo topic.]

The Main Cause of Our Woes Is…

SEF News-Views Digest No. 91 (5-20-15)

US! Yes, inadvertently but most assuredly, we humans have helped create most of the woes encountered throughout our documented history. According to notable experts who theorize about potential future scenarios, the urgency we face today in creating a sustainable future may be attributed to our having been indoctrinated with the concept of unending economic growth. Of course, physics explains why there are limits to growth, and simple math explains how the phenomenon of compounding growth can generate uncomprehendingly vast numbers. For instance, consider how fast the national debt has grown in the last decade. Or how human population has increased multifold over the past 200 years, largely due to feasibly extractable natural resources, particularly fossil-carbon energy sources, which make possible most of our needs and wants.

Back in Action

SEF News-Views Digest No. 90 (5-13-15)

Did you miss receiving this newsletter over the past three weeks? With the overwhelming flood of information streaming through cyberspace, I suspect not. And I completely understand.

Bettye and I were traveling on a business-pleasure trip to Ohio that proved refreshing and pleasurable, including an opportunity to tour an amazing auto assembly plant. I realize manufacturing plants aren’t normally paragons of sustainability, but there is at least one exception.